Zeile 2.257: |
Zeile 2.257: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold ; Kellner, Michael: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold ; Kellner, Michael: |
| De exceptionibus theses. Jena 1595. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | De exceptionibus theses. Jena 1595. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold; Kratz, Johannes: |
| + | THESES // DE ACQVIREN- // DA, VEL AMITTENDA // POSSESSIONE. // Quas … // PRÆSIDENTE // … // Dn. LEOPOLDO HACKELMAN- // NO … // Co[n]sequendæ ergo juris utriusq; Doctoratus // licentiæ, & privilegiorum ejus di- // sputandas proponit, // IOHANNES Kratz // … // Ad diem 8 Iulij. // IENAE. // TYPIS TOBIÆ STEINMANNI // Anno cIs Is XCVIII. Quelle: |
| + | [http://www.napier.ac.uk/randkt/rktcentres/scob/Documents/Willie%20Kelly%20Publications/VD16%20Add.doc| William A. Kelly: Additions and addenda to VD16 in Edinburgh libraries] (Internet-Dokument, zuletzt angesehen: 20.12.2011); Edinburgh NLS: Th.s.16/11(19); Mai 2013: VD16: ZV 29228 |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 2.281: |
Zeile 2.288: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold ; Ursinus, Josephus: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold ; Ursinus, Josephus: |
| Octava tertiae fforum partis disputatio: de SCtis Macedoniano et Velleiano. Jena 1594 (oder 1596?). Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | Octava tertiae fforum partis disputatio: de SCtis Macedoniano et Velleiano. Jena 1594 (oder 1596?). Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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− | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|
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− | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Hackelmann, Leopold; Kratz, Johannes:
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− | THESES // DE ACQVIREN- // DA, VEL AMITTENDA // POSSESSIONE. // Quas … // PRÆSIDENTE // … // Dn. LEOPOLDO HACKELMAN- // NO … // Co[n]sequendæ ergo juris utriusq; Doctoratus // licentiæ, & privilegiorum ejus di- // sputandas proponit, // IOHANNES Kratz // … // Ad diem 8 Iulij. // IENAE. // TYPIS TOBIÆ STEINMANNI // Anno cIs Is XCVIII. Quelle:
| |
− | [http://www.napier.ac.uk/randkt/rktcentres/scob/Documents/Willie%20Kelly%20Publications/VD16%20Add.doc| William A. Kelly: Additions and addenda to VD16 in Edinburgh libraries] (Internet-Dokument, zuletzt angesehen: 20.12.2011); Edinburgh NLS: Th.s.16/11(19)
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 2.407: |
Zeile 2.407: |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Heideck, Heinrich: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Heideck, Heinrich: |
− | DISPVTATIO // DE IVRISDI- // CTIONE. // Quam // PRAESIDE … // HENRICO HEYDECCIO … // exercitij causa defendere // conabitur. // DANIEL KLINDTIVS // … // Anno. cIs Is XCVII. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Additions and addenda to VD16 in Edinburgh libraries (Internet-Dokument, [http://www.napier.ac.uk/randkt/rktcentres/scob/publications/Pages/Referenceresources.aspx] zuletzt angesehen: 20.12.2011); Edinburgh NLS:Th.s.16/7(4) | + | DISPVTATIO // DE IVRISDI- // CTIONE. // Quam // PRAESIDE … // HENRICO HEYDECCIO … // exercitij causa defendere // conabitur. // DANIEL KLINDTIVS // … // Anno. cIs Is XCVII. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Additions and addenda to VD16 in Edinburgh libraries (Internet-Dokument, [http://www.napier.ac.uk/randkt/rktcentres/scob/publications/Pages/Referenceresources.aspx] zuletzt angesehen: 20.12.2011); Edinburgh NLS:Th.s.16/7(4); [ Mai 2013: VD16: ZV 29240] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 4.122: |
Zeile 4.122: |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Pinggitzer, Virgilius ; Bernhardi, Heinrich: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Pinggitzer, Virgilius ; Bernhardi, Heinrich: |
− | De legenda glande. Jena 1596. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | + | De legenda glande. Jena 1596. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]]; Mai 2013: VD16 ZV 29233 |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |