Zeile 1.084: |
Zeile 1.084: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Franz, Thomas | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Franz, Thomas |
| Th. Franzj. … // DISPUTATIONIS // IURIDICÆ // QVINTÆ // De tutelis & cura // PARS PRIOR. // Quam // … // Respondente // IOANNE CELICHIO … a. d. 30. Ian. habebit tempore & // loco consueto. // VVITEBERGÆ, // Ex Officina Cratoniana, // M. D. XCIIII. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Index of prints not listed in VD16. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, S. 271-288; Edinburgh NLS [Th.l.16/2(34)] | | Th. Franzj. … // DISPUTATIONIS // IURIDICÆ // QVINTÆ // De tutelis & cura // PARS PRIOR. // Quam // … // Respondente // IOANNE CELICHIO … a. d. 30. Ian. habebit tempore & // loco consueto. // VVITEBERGÆ, // Ex Officina Cratoniana, // M. D. XCIIII. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Index of prints not listed in VD16. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, S. 271-288; Edinburgh NLS [Th.l.16/2(34)] |
| + | |- |
| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Frey, Johann Jakob: |
| + | De hydrope theses / ad quas ... pro summo in medica facultate gradu consequendo, respondebit Ioannes Iacobus Frey Lindaviensis XXII. Septembris ... |
| + | Basileae Rauracorum : Ex officina Bryllingeriana 1582. |
| + | Quelle: |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara- |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.091: |
Zeile 1.099: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Friderus, Peter: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Friderus, Peter: |
| De successionibus ab intestato. Basel 1592. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | De successionibus ab intestato. Basel 1592. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.203: |
Zeile 1.210: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Gerlach, Wolfgang: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Gerlach, Wolfgang: |
| <nowiki> De definitione physicis. [S.l.] [ca. 1600].</nowiki> Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | <nowiki> De definitione physicis. [S.l.] [ca. 1600].</nowiki> Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| |- | | |- |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.209: |
Zeile 1.215: |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Geschichte des Pfarherrs vom Kalenberg. Magdeburg: Johann Böttcher (um 1600). Quelle: Opac Berlin SB. Gegenwärtiger Standort: Krakau BJ: Yg 3903 | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Geschichte des Pfarherrs vom Kalenberg. Magdeburg: Johann Böttcher (um 1600). Quelle: Opac Berlin SB. Gegenwärtiger Standort: Krakau BJ: Yg 3903 |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.216: |
Zeile 1.221: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Ghro, Johann: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Ghro, Johann: |
| Lehr-, Wehr- und Nährstand. o.O. 1582. Quelle: Opac Dresden SLUB: Lit.Germ.rec.B. 200,32. [fälschlich unter: "Ghroburger"] | | Lehr-, Wehr- und Nährstand. o.O. 1582. Quelle: Opac Dresden SLUB: Lit.Germ.rec.B. 200,32. [fälschlich unter: "Ghroburger"] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.726: |
Zeile 1.730: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Horn, Albert: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Horn, Albert: |
| Theses de legum interpretatione. Basel 1589. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | Theses de legum interpretatione. Basel 1589. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | |- |
| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Hover, Michael: |
| + | De epilepsia theses / quas ... pro suprema in Arte Medica consequenda Laurea, publice pro virili defendere conabitur Michael Hoverus Hippolytanus Austriacus: Ad XII. Calend. Octobris |
| + | Basileae Rauracorum : ex officina Brylingeriana 1582. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-167] |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.733: |
Zeile 1.745: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Humel, Joachim: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Humel, Joachim: |
| Gute, nützliche Unterweisung einem unerfahrenen Hausmann. Worms 1538. Quelle: Opac Wien ÖNB: 35.X.72. | | Gute, nützliche Unterweisung einem unerfahrenen Hausmann. Worms 1538. Quelle: Opac Wien ÖNB: 35.X.72. |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.824: |
Zeile 1.835: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Keller, Johann Christoph: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Keller, Johann Christoph: |
| Ad subsequentes ex tit. Codicis de iure emphyteutico positiones .... Basel 1588. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | Ad subsequentes ex tit. Codicis de iure emphyteutico positiones .... Basel 1588. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | |- |
| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Kellerthaler, Thomas: |
| + | De haemorrhoidibus theses / ad quas ... pro summo in arte Medica gradu ... respondebit Thomas Kellerthalerus Dresdensis Misnicus: Ad diem XXVII. Septembris |
| + | Basileae Rauracorum : ex officina Brylingeriana 1582. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-169] |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.831: |
Zeile 1.850: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Kelner, Christoph: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Kelner, Christoph: |
| De testamentis ordinandis enunciationes. Basel 1579. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | De testamentis ordinandis enunciationes. Basel 1579. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 1.844: |
Zeile 1.862: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Kerle, Jacobus: | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Kerle, Jacobus: |
| Liber mottetarum. München: Adam Berg 1573; Quelle: Dieter Breuer: Münchner Drucke 1564 – 1651, Nr. 1.98; München BSB 4° Mus. pr. 127 [[http://www.sfn.historicum-archiv.net/materialien/muenchnerdrucke/index.htm]] | | Liber mottetarum. München: Adam Berg 1573; Quelle: Dieter Breuer: Münchner Drucke 1564 – 1651, Nr. 1.98; München BSB 4° Mus. pr. 127 [[http://www.sfn.historicum-archiv.net/materialien/muenchnerdrucke/index.htm]] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |