Zeile 460: |
Zeile 460: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Carmina // IN NVPTIAS // … // ARNOLDI MUMII … // SPONSI: // Cum // … // Virgine AMALIA … IOAN: FABRI // filia, Sponsa. // CULMB. CELEBRATAS // XIV. NOVEMB. // Anno 98. // CONSCRIPTA // ab amicis. // CURIÆ VARISC: // Ex Typographeio Pfeilsmidio. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Index of prints not listed in VD16. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, S. 271-288; Edinburgh NLS [DC.l.18(40[4])] | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Carmina // IN NVPTIAS // … // ARNOLDI MUMII … // SPONSI: // Cum // … // Virgine AMALIA … IOAN: FABRI // filia, Sponsa. // CULMB. CELEBRATAS // XIV. NOVEMB. // Anno 98. // CONSCRIPTA // ab amicis. // CURIÆ VARISC: // Ex Typographeio Pfeilsmidio. Quelle: William A. Kelly: Index of prints not listed in VD16. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, S. 271-288; Edinburgh NLS [DC.l.18(40[4])] |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Catus, Orestes |
| + | De animae facultatib. partiumque, quibus insident munere & dignitate, Theses / quas ... pro suprema laurea in facultate Medica consequenda, tueri conabitur Orestes Catus Seravallensis. IX Kal. Iulii |
| + | Basileae Rauracorum : ex Officina Brylingeriana 1579. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-63] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 2.429: |
Zeile 2.438: |
| Secunda pars conclusionum, repet. in cap. episcop. vel abbat. &c. in usib. feud.. Wittenberg 1592. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | Secunda pars conclusionum, repet. in cap. episcop. vel abbat. &c. in usib. feud.. Wittenberg 1592. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Reich, Niklaus: |
| + | De syncope / ... pro suprema Laurea in re Medica impetranda, ad subsequentes theses: Nicolaus Richius Waltcapellensis, Hassus: respondebit IV. Iduum Iunit |
| + | Basileae Rauracorum : ex Officina Brylingeriana 1579. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-62] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 2.694: |
Zeile 2.712: |
| Miscellanea controversarum quaestionum, ex utroq; iure deprompta. Basel 1597. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] | | Miscellanea controversarum quaestionum, ex utroq; iure deprompta. Basel 1597. Quelle: online-Datenbank der juristischen Dissertationen im Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt a.M.)[[http://dlib-diss.mpier.mpg.de]] |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Schnepf, Daniel |
| + | De capitis doloribus, disputatio medica / ... ad gradum Doctoratus consequendum: a Daniele Schnepfio, Stutgardiano proposita, et XI. Calend. Septembris ... discutienda |
| + | Basileae Helvetiorum : Excudebat Leonardus Ostenius 1579. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-67] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
Zeile 2.776: |
Zeile 2.803: |
| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Sdegnosi ardori. München: Adam Berg 1585; Quelle: Dieter Breuer: Münchner Drucke 1564 – 1651, Nr. 1.278; München BSB 4° Mus. pr. 44 [[http://www.sfn.historicum-archiv.net/materialien/muenchnerdrucke/index.htm]] [= Edit 16: CNCE 44024] | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| Sdegnosi ardori. München: Adam Berg 1585; Quelle: Dieter Breuer: Münchner Drucke 1564 – 1651, Nr. 1.278; München BSB 4° Mus. pr. 44 [[http://www.sfn.historicum-archiv.net/materialien/muenchnerdrucke/index.htm]] [= Edit 16: CNCE 44024] |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |
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| + | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"|Sebisch, Georg |
| + | De feudorum propriorum et impropriorum natura, conclusiones / quas ... pro insigniis doctoralibus in I.U. consequendis publice defendere conabitur Georgius Sebizius Vratislaviensis, Silesius. Disputabuntur VI. Id. Ian. an. M. D. LXXIX |
| + | Basileae Rauracourm : Ex officina Brylingeriana 1579. |
| + | Quelle: Basel UB |
| + | [http://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-2118] |
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| | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| | | | style="border-top:none;border-bottom:0.002cm solid #000000;border-left:0.002cm solid #000000;border-right:0.002cm solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| |